Saturday, July 29, 2006

Value what you do

“When you undervalue what you do the world will undervalue who you are.” Suze Orman, American financial guru and author

Here are three ways of expressing a similar sentiment in a different way:
1) If other people are charging $100 for something and you only charge $10, your customer will wonder what is wrong with what you have to offer.
2) If you pay 20 cents for a pen, you don’t care who you lend it to; if you pay $200 you make sure you get it back.
3) If you buy an authentic Gucci™ product and it comes wrapped in a branded paper bag with a ribbon you will probably keep the bag and the ribbon; if you buy a cheap knock-off product and it comes wrapped in a paper bag with a ribbon you will probably chuck the wrapping out.

Jane Francis is the author of "Price Yourself Right”. She is available as a coach, trainer and workshop leader to help sales teams and companies pitch and present their price with creativity and confidence. To find out more buy the book here.

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