Wednesday, May 30, 2007

7 reasons to say 'thanks' to your boss today

Almost everyone these days wants to be the next Richard Branson or Donald Trump but not everyone has the entrepreneurial spirit it takes. Let's face it, it's kind of un-cool to say that your ambition is to win 'Employee of the month'. It's much more socially acceptable to say you want to run your own business or become an entrepreneur -- but are you really made of the right stuff?

Are you willing to take risks? Are you confident in yourself? Do you have the skills you need to compete successfully? Do you inspire confidence and are others willing to invest in you? Do they really believe you are as good as you say you are? How well do you manage money and cash flow? Will you be able to get your price right so you can make a profit and stay in business? If you answer 'no' to any of these questions, and you don't know how to price yourself right, don't go into business on your own. Go get a job instead!

If this is you then here are 7 reasons to thank your employer today:

1. Your employer takes ultimate responsibility for creating new business.

2. Your employer manages the cash flow and takes the risk of clients that won't pay.

3. Your employer gives you the security of a regular income you can plan on.

4. Your employer takes the hit if there is an economic collapse, the dollar rises or falls or some other sensitive market situation arises.

5. Your employer has confidence in you; that should make you feel good.

6. Your employer deals with the legislation, pays the taxes and does the paperwork.

7. You get to go on holiday and leave the business behind. You can always leave. All care and no responsibility. How good is that?

Employers are often seen as the bad guys when in fact they are everyday heroes and optimists. If you are in a job right now, accept that until the time is right, a job is a very great privilege and go say 'Thank you' to your boss today!

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